Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bike Touring with New Danish Friends

Coke biked by himself thru the busy, wet streets Copenhagen. He did really well navigating the weather (rain) and traffic. The bikers here bike fast and pass you within inches. He seemed mostly unfazed by this.
This is a canal on the border of Christiana - a renegade neighborhood in Copenhagen.
Camille with her new friend Otto who loved the attention.
This park is in Christiana neighborhood. This is a homemade zip line.
This is the beginning of the zip!
Mark and I in front of a cool doorway of a courtyard of interesting homes and garden. This place is difficult to explain. You just have to come and see it. It was army barracks that became defunct so squatters took over. These squatters had children and basically a town (70,000) grew out of this. There has been a big battle over this VERY valuable land smack in the middle of Copenhagen. It was recently settled where the current residents will pay fee and tax but they own their current places.
There is a lot of drug selling here and police raids monthly.
Cool house on a lake...
another interesting place with green roof.

Camille and Otto again...and this bike is made here in Christiana. We went to the 'factory' of hand-made bikes!! They are really awesome bikes!

1 comment:

  1. Wow very cool !Good job on the bikes Coke - like your puppy Camille
    xo CO
