Monday, August 1, 2011

Welcome to Sweden!

The Swedish toll booth sign...

This is Marstrand Sweden - a little island off of the north/west part of Sweden. It's very nautical. You can walk around the island in an hour. It's so quaint and the homes are beautiful. We are visiting an old friend who I haven't seen in 12 years - Paula Malm. She has two girls 5 (Luvisa) and 9 (Karin). Karin had her birthday the day we were there.

Believe it or not they were shooting a film here. This is the do not cross sign. It was a 'period' piece.

Coke and Luvisa.

Charming home....

Paula standing in front of the storefront where Paula's Mom sold her line of dresses when Paula was a little girl.
Camille and me - staying at Paula's house on the left.

Karin and Coke getting ready for Karin's b-day.

Party preparations and lots of catching-up!!

8 am dip in the ocean. It felt like Long Island waters - I was right 'at home'!
Coke getting his strength together to take the plunge!!
Luvisa and Karin showing their swimming medals.
Coke's find during our walk.
Camille and I on the rocks.
Coke checking out each and every little thing.
Man ho!
A Marstrand transport since there aren't cars.
Mark and Paula having lunch. The day was perfect weather.
The buildings are perfectly maintained which is amazing because the season is so short like 2 months.
The fort which sits on a hill overlooking the town. It was also a prison.
Paula's delicious birthday spread...
...singing the Swedish version of Happy Birthday!
A yummy treat (my fav was the licorice ice cream) before our drive back which was in a crazy downpour of rain.
This was a 24 hour visit and lots of fun not to mention another country!

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